This blog is serving as my own personal sketchbook. With it, I am tracking my progression into art.
I've started drawing again in July '10, after a few years' hiatus. I've only recently become more involved and serious about my work, hence the creation of this blog. I hope to take my art skills as far as possible on my own, and with the help of the online art community.
I am an 18 year old high school senior, finally finding her interest in art. I am currently homeschooled, due to complications from Crohn's Disease. Art is my outlet. I'm not an artist though; I'm a hobbyist.
In this blog, you can expect to find traditional work (as my tablet has died, and I am currently in the process of finding a new one), ranging from gestures, to sketches, to rendered studies. I'm looking to push outside of my
comfort zones and expand my abilities.
Feel free to comment and critique any art I post here. I'm very open to constructive criticism, and I really appreciate any help. Also feel free to give me suggestions or leave me links to resources. Anything of that sort, really.