Wednesday, April 6, 2011

3.3.11 - Self Portrait Sketch

I found this tucked away in the back of my new sketchbook. Completely forgot about it somehow.
Attempted a quick self portrait sketch back at the beginning of March.
...and I mean quick. This took about 10 minutes? I'm not sure what was going through my mind when I tried to do a self portrait in 10 minutes.
Also, it doesn't come out right on the scanner. My lines are too light. So you have to put up with a poor quality picture. I apologize for these.

Also, I used two pictures of myself for this, as my lighting always seems to be horrid.
I think I may try a new self portrait every so often to track if I'm making any progress. Plus, I really need to practice faces. What better model than yourself, eh?


  1. I just had to check out your blog, of course! You do awesome work! Keep it up!! *follows your blog* I have an artsy blog too, but we have totally different mediums. :D

    ~Trillium Fae (aka Melanie) from gaia. ;)

  2. Haha! I was just stalking your blog xD

    Thank you! your work is incredible (:
    I've always admired clay and metal works. Anything 3D like that is just amazing to me.

    I took a couple clay classes when I was really young, but I failed miserably haha
    Lots of fun though ^_^
